
White papers from workshops

At each of our workshops (see Workshops page for complete list), we have conducted small-group breakout sessions to discuss future directions and open questions about the future of Quantitative Cell Biology.   We have begun to distill the notes from these sessions into a series of white papers, informed by the discussion and ideas of all participants.


Are there numerical methods or modeling approaches available that should be applied more extensively in Cell Biology?  [results from Workshops 2 and 3]


Is it possible to develop standard formats for representing cell biological models in a uniform manner?  [results from Workshop 3]


What are the challenges for quantifying cellular mechanics?  [results from Workshop 4 Chicago 2015]


Can we develop standards for quantifying cell dynamics?  [results from Workshop 5, Mavericks 2016]



Presentation slides from Workshop 5: National Science Foundation - Quantitative Cell Biology Funding Opportunities
Gregory Warr, Program Director,
Cellular Dynamics and Function
Division of Molecular and Cellular Bioscience
In this presentation. Dr. Warr presents some of the opportunities at NSF for supporting quantitative cell biology.   By reading this presentation you can gain a better understanding of the different divisions and sections at NSF and the great variety of funding pathways for interdisciplinary research at the interface of cell biology with quantitative fields.